Friday, December 1, 2017

It’s all write

Moin Uddin

One day, I am going to be a wonderful writer who will make people believe in their true potential to have someone unknown praying silently for their survival. I am going to be a legendary writer. It has been a passion of mine, and knowingly or unknowingly, I started writing. I didn’t know that my writing would be read and appreciated. I grew up reading other people’s write-ups, and I would always think that one day I shall be able to write like them. But most of the time, when I was just trying to write, I would think of writers being by my side, I mean some of the writers I know personally and who used to appreciate of my writing.

I would think they are the great ones, and that I should write like them. And that as their writings are published, my writings too would get published. I would think that I should write like them, that my work should be of the same standard, that it should have the same kind of word selection, the same kind of sentences with powerful words that would force the reader to look up the dictionary. I thought that they were considered to be good writers because they write sentences containing words that have to be look up. It was difficult to understand their words and sentences. I would not get the exact meaning, but I would read them thinking that they were great writers. My friends would read their works and behave as if they understood everything.

Now I have understood that what I thought and grew up with was just an illusion. It is a myth that using words that are difficult to understand makes one’s writing of high standard. When I cannot understand the sentences written by some writers, I realise that there may be people who are not up to my literary thinking, those who are poor in reading and understanding. I would think that the sentences should be simple. When I was growing up, I met many writers, many powerful scholars, and their only suggestion for me was that my writing should be simple so that even the less literate can understand that what you are saying.

It’s not that I started writing for any name and fame. It’s just a passion, a passion to express my views and concerns as I am an introvert, things that I find difficult to express through spoken words. Slowly, I started expressing my feelings through my writings, and this has been a wonderful way for me to make my feelings felt. Many times, I’ve written my feelings. This way, it has brought a change in my life. Now, many people consider me to be writer, and I believe that one day I’ll be a wonderful writer who can bring positive changes in the lives of billions of people.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on 25-12-2013 08:55

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