Thursday, December 28, 2017

Love and life are confusing


I wonder why blood relations turn sour with time. Why do we become bitter for family and sweet for friends? What turns out in between early ages of growing up when love is shared to its fullest and later it turns out into bitterness without us even realizing.

Why do family members think that there is no hope to revive a member if he/she chooses to be with the love of their choice? I have seen many families splitting from the inside although they try to pretend like everything is all right in front of the world. All families are hurt by one or the other family members. 

I have a friend whose uncle turned everything into ashes. They had a house of their own, a wonderful family to share the love and affection, but with time, the cruel and stupid behavior of his uncle made everyone suffer. They had to sell their house to pay the debts. Living in rent and struggling monthly to pay the interest. Moreover, his dad suffered from a nervous breakdown; my friend did his best to look after his ailing dad, but couldn’t save him. 

Several other struggles followed my friend after the demise of his father. But he kept on fighting daily to meet his family’s needs. Now after years of struggle, not being able to earn enough money to look after his family, he is leaving the house with lots of burdens that are put heavily on him to see the pastures in Dubai. I wonder, had his uncle been not cruel with his stupid deeds, all would have been fine. 

I’ve seen lots of parents suffering so badly by the deeds of their children and also seen children suffering due to their parents. Why cannot people understand the simple logic of happiness that a family desires? What’s a big deal just to follow the norms of love and give it to the family? We give all our love to our friends and life partners, but why can’t we share the same unconditional love with our own family? 

I am not saying that we should not love others, but first priority should be given to our family. There might be some reason, there might be some concerns, and there might be some missing love that we are not being able to see it in our own people. I have never understood why people cheat on their partners. Be it a girl or a boy, they find comfort in others’ lives and pain in theirs. Why? 

A version of this article appears in print on December 28, 2017 12:18 PM of Republica.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Love in a Rush


While in teens we do some silly things that when we recall later, we either regret or laugh thinking that we actually did such silly things once. Some of us might have stolen money from our parents’ pockets just to get satisfaction from the crazy stuff. It was not intentional – that was a silly part of growing up with some crazy friends who asked to bring money for fanatical explorations. While in college, we sometimes stole the attention of opposite sex and at times they did the same with us. It was a guilty pleasure that we were once into. Just think of being liked by the opposite sex, to get into an affair, and to explore the different adventure side of us – isn’t it wonderful? 

Let’s imagine that we are in our early 20’s or late 20’s. This is the time when our hormones are in a rush. I mean this is a time when every part of our body is transformed and later gets into the process of maturation. Imagine in your school/college or in your neighborhoods, you happen to meet someone who brings some kind of emotional and romantic feelings in you. You feel like that person is the most attractive and you want to connect with them.

You think of breaking the ice, but you don’t know how. You feel shy, your heart beats faster and voice softens. You cultivate gentleness in your behavior to talk with that person; which you normally don’t do the same with your regular friends. Even getting a glimpse and to talk with the person you are infatuated with for a mere second makes you feel like in heaven. You have romantic Goosebumps, and you keep smiling throughout the day remembering those precious moments and end your day on a good note.

Slowly and gradually, you pray to get a date and guess what, your prayers get answered. That person too starts talking with you. You talk sweet and happy things, you compliment and give them gift and also if you happen to be creative than you’ll compose a song and perform in front of him/her. You feel like you know him/her since ages. You talk about the possibility of getting married and so on.

Gradually you feel like recalling those moments that you spent together and feel like the days are so longer without the person you are in love with. Without talking to him/her, you feel like your days just went by unproductively. You text and keep on waiting to get reply. But, that person will not reply to you. You make a call but with no response. You send message on messenger and it shows that they were online 16 hours ago. You get confused that the person who stays online 24/7 is now offline for hours.  You wait and keep staring on the messenger and pray to show them online and keep checking repeatedly, but in vain. You get frustrated. You feel that person doesn’t have feelings like you have for them. But on the other side, you heart wants to be with that person no matter your brain says to go get some time for yourself from this maze of love. But, you’re stranded in between the memories that you had cherished few hours ago and the reality of pain that you’re in now.

If river could stop and think before making its way where the actual need of it could be figured out than the lives would have been different but it always flows in same direction. Sometimes slow and on occasion – fast, without thinking that could be dangerous for many. Sometimes we expect a lot. We think that we have a perfect person to be with who could understand and love us back like we have done to them, but in fact real life’s love is so different than what is shown in a movie.
The same day you are having a good moment and think that you know each other for years can be transformed into a stranger in a blink of an eye. Love in this modern time is complicated and it’s like a river that once it was slow and calm erodes to that level which can destroy everything in a second – (splash).

We human beings are same like the flooded river and especially we youth without figuring out that person in a good way tend to rush to be in a relationship that we end up hurting many lives including ourselves. We never ask questions to self that, do I love that person dearly. Or is it just an infatuation. Is it right time to express your feelings or is it too early/ late? Are we really in need of each other to continue life for a lifetime together? or how have that person perceived us after meeting? And so on. 

Life is a rush, but we are humans. Let’s stop for a while and think to sharpen our horizons. Sometimes expecting much could be disastrous as it could make us mad, sad and lay you back while you might turn out to be a topic of gossip. You are beautiful and you are in this earth for a purpose. So, know people before getting too deep, taste the surface first and only after analyzing go a little farther, but be careful. Don’t hurt your emotions and take care of others’ emotions too. Life is good. 

A version of this article appears in print on December 12, 2017 09:10 AM of Republica.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

आलुको पराठा (कथा)

‘साहिल प्लिज ! केही त भन, यदि म तिमीसँग नहुने हो भने बरु मर्नेछु । आई लभ यु साहिल, उठ न, तिमी मर्न सक्दैनौ । म तिम्रो श्वासलाई महसुस गर्न सक्छु । प्लिज, केही त बोल । उनीहरू भन्छन् कि तिमी सदाको लागि मरिसक्यौ। तर म मान्दिनँ । आँखा खोल साहिल ।’

केही घन्टापछि निशा उठ्छे । उसको सुसारे आउँछ र औषधि खान दिन्छ । ऊ हँसिली छे, राता–राता गाला, आँखा हरिणकोझैं, कालो–लामो, सिल्की कपाल ।

सिरिसिरी हावा उसको कोठाको देब्रे झ्यालबाट आइरहँदा उसको कपाललाई कहिले उसको आँखामा र कहिले उसको न चेप्टो, न चुच्चो, ठ्याक्कै मिलेको नाकमा त कहिले कानमा छोइरहेको हुन्छ । ऊ यत्ति राम्री देखिन्छे कि जब उसको कपालले उसको अनुहारलाई स्पर्श गर्दा, विस्तारै कपाललाई कानको छेऊमा आफ्नो कोमल हातले अड्याउन खोज्दा हावाले यो मौकाको फाइदा लिई अझै उसको कपाललाई स्थिर हुन दिइराखेको हुँदैन । आफ्नै चञ्चलतामा मस्तमौला भइराखेको हुन्छ ।

ऊ यत्ति सुन्दर थिई कि उसलाई देख्नेबित्तिकै सबै मोहित हुन्थे । यहाँसम्म कि एउटा चरा सधैं उसको झ्यालमा आएर उसैलाई हेरिरहन्थ्यो, जस्तो कि एउटा प्रेमीले आफ्नी प्रेमिकालाई ।

ऊ अझै पनि पलङमा नै हुन्छे । आफ्नो सुसारेतिर इसारा गर्छे र सांकेतिक भाषा प्रयोग गर्छे कि ऊ उठ्न चाहन्छे भनेर । तर, सुसारेले केही पनि बुझ्दैन । ऊ नर्भस हुन्छ र विस्तारै नजिकै आउँछ ।

४८ घन्टादेखि ऊ त्यही पल्टिरहेकी हुन्छे र निकै नै कोसिस गर्छे उसलाई भन्न । तर, त्यो सुसारेले अझै पनि केही बुझ्दैन । उसलाई लाग्छ कि यो केटी पागल भइछ तर मुख खोलेर भनी चैं हाल्दैन ।

उसले विस्तारै किरिङमिरिङ अक्षर डायरीमा लेख्छे, म उठ्न चाहन्छु भनेर । काला अक्षर भैंसी बराबर भनेझै उसले हेर्न त हेर्छे तर केही पनि बुझ्दिनँ ।

निशा निकै रिसाउँछे । त्यै पनि आफूलाई सम्हाल्छे । किनकि उसको गुरुले सिकाएका हुन्छन् ध्यान गर्न र मानवप्रति माया प्रेम, स्नेह राख्न । गुरुले उसलाई उपदेश किताबको केही अंश सधैं सुनाउने गरेको हुनाले पनि ती सुनेका कुराहरू उसको मानसपटलमा हुँदा त्यै सम्झी सम्हाल्छे आफूलाई ।

ऊ नम्र भएर हातकै इसाराले आफ्नो सुसारेलाई बाहिर जानको लागि संकेत गर्छे । यो पालि उसले बुझ्छे र टाउको हल्लाउँदै बाहिरिन्छे ।

निशाकी आमाले नास्ता बनाएर ल्याउँछे, उसैको रुममा ।

‘निशा म निकै चन्तित छु तिम्रो बारेमा,’ उसकी आमाले भन्छे, ‘खैर, हेर, मैले तिम्रो मनपर्ने खानेकुरा बनाको छु आलुको पराठा ।’ ससानो टुक्रा पारी आफ्नै हातले ख्वाउँछे । केही पछि निकै प्रयास गरेर भित्ताको सहायताले ऊ बरन्डानिर आउँछे ।

उसकी आमाले चराहरूलाई चारा खुवाइरहेकी हुन्छिन् । उसका दाइहरू तरबारसँग खेलिरहेका हुन्छन् । उसको बुवा कुस्ती र हजुरमुमा चै बगंैचाबाट फूल टिपिरहेकी हुन्छिन् ।

बरन्डाबाटै हजुरमुमालाई बोलाउँछे, ‘हजुरमुमा, ओ हजुरमुमा, मलाई सेतो गुलाफ ल्याइदिनु न ।’

त्यो सुसारेले त्यस महलमा काम गरेको दुई महिना भइसकेको हुन्छ तर यो पहिलो चोटी हो कि उसले निशाको स्वर सुनेको ।

उसकी हजुरमुमा मुस्कुराउँदै भन्नुहुन्छ, ‘निशा, पर्ख म टिप्दैछु सेतो गुलाफ । एकछिन पर्ख है मेरी पुतली,’ र सुसारेलाई बोलाउँदै लगेर दिन भन्छिन् ।

सेतो गुलाफ लिएर सुसारे निशाको रुममा पुग्छ । ऊ सुस्तरी टेबलमा राखेर भाग्न लागेकी हुन्छे तर निशाले देखिहाल्छे र बोलाउँछे, ‘यता आऊ, त्यो गुलाफ यता ल्याऊ ।’

ऊ एक टक पनि हलचल गर्दैन । फेरि निशाले कराउँछे, यो पालि कड्केर र ऊ डराउँदै नजिक आउँछे ।

हातमा गुलाफ भइकन पनि उसले डरको कारण दिन सकिरहेको हुँदैन । निशालाई निकै रिस उठ्छ– बिहानको कुरा सम्झेर पनि रिस उठी नै राखेको हुन्छ । उसले यसरी गुलाफको फूल तानेर लिन्छे कि काँडाले उसको औंला घोचिन्छ र रगत बग्छ । तर निशाले देख्दिनँ र गाली गर्छे, ‘तिमी केही काम गर्न लायककी छैनौं, कसले राख्यो हँ तिम्लाई यहाँ ? ’

उसलाई असह्य दुःखिराखेको हुन्छ र रगत बगी नै रहेको हुन्छ तर पनि केही शब्द नबोली, ठिंग उभिएर गाली खाइराख्छे ।

उसले आफ्नो दाइहरूलाई बोलाउँछे । उनीहरूले सुसारेलाई कुट्छन् । निशा मुस्कुराउँछे । पछि पो देख्छे, उसले गुलाफको फूलको हाँगामा अनि कोठाको कार्पेटमा पनि रगतका थोपाहरू । ऊ द्रविभूत भई सुसारेहरू बस्ने रुमनेर पुग्छे ।

उसले त्यो सुसारे सुक्कसुक्क रोइरहेको देख्छे । ऊ तुरुन्तै आफ्नो रुममा गएर फस्ट एड बक्स ल्याई ब्यान्डेज झिकी उसको औंलामा बाँधिदिन्छे । रगत बग्न थामिन्छ । निशाले माफी माग्छे ।

अर्को दिन निशा बगैंचामा आएर साहिललाई ग्रिट गर्छे । साहिल आश्चर्यमा पर्छ । किनकि उसले सोचेको नि हुँदैन कि निशाले यसरी विनम्रतापूर्वक बोल्छे भनेर । ऊ मुस्कुराउँछ मात्र र आफ्नै काममा ध्यानमग्न हुन्छ ।

घरमा बसिराख्दा निशा बोर भइसकेकी हुन्छे । बुवालाई गाउँ घुमाउन लानु भन्छे । उसको बुवाले भन्छन्, ‘म व्यस्त छु मेरी प्यारी छोरी । तर, पर्ख साहिलले घुमाउन लान्छ तिमीलाई ।’

साहिललाई आफूनजिक बोलाउँदै भन्छन्, ‘लिएर जाऊ निशालाई र उसको गाइड बनि सबै ठाउँ घुमाऊ । उसलाई केही थाहा छैन हाम्रो गाउँको बारेमा ।’

उसको बुवाले साहिललाई बाइकको साँचो दिन्छन् । ऊ लजाउँदै भन्छ, ‘निशा म्याम, बस्नु न’, निशा मुस्कुराउँदै बस्छे । बाइक हुइँकिन्छ । केहीबेर पछि बाइक रोक्न लगाउँदै मलाई चलाउन देऊ भन्छे । साहिल अप्ठ्यारो मानी पछाडि सिटमा बस्छ । निशा बेतोडले बाइक कुदाउँदा साहिलको सातो जान्छ ।

‘के भयो, डर लाइराछ ? ’ निशाले हाँस्दै सोध्छे, ‘मलाई समात, नत्र लड्नेछौं ।’

‘तपाईंलाई म कसरी समातौं ? ’

‘किन लजाइराको । बरु, आफूलाई भाग्यमानी ठान । तिमी मेरो पछाडि बस्न पाएकोमा । केटाहरू मरिहत्ते गर्छन्, मसँग एकैक्षण भए पनि कुरा गर्न । तर म उनीहरूलाई नजिक पर्नै दिन्न, तिमी भाग्यमानी केटा हौं ।’
कागलाई बेल पाक्यो हर्ष न विस्मात् भनेझै साहिलले वास्ता गर्दैन ।

निशा बाइक गाउँभन्दा धेरै पर पुर्‍याउँछे । साहिल डराउँछ ।

‘फर्किनुपर्छ अब म्याम, हामी ढिला भइसकेका छौं ।’

‘ह्या, केही नि हुँदैन ।’

उनीहरू अर्कै गाउँमा पुगिसकेका हुन्छन् । त्यहाँका स्थानीय केटाहरू उनीहरूलाई जिस्क्याउन थाल्छन् । अझ एउटाले त निशाको हात च्याप्प समाइ के छ मैयाँ भन्छ । साहिल अचानक फिल्मको हिरोझैं प्रतिकार गर्छ र त्यहाँबाट केटाहरू भाग्न बाध्य हुन्छन् ।

उनीहरू घर फर्किन्छन् । भयानक दुर्घटनाबाट फर्किएका उनीहरू खुसी देखिन्छन् । त्यस घटनापछि उनीहरू नजिकिएर आफ्नो जीवनका ससाना कुराहरू सुन्न सुनाउन थाल्छन् । एकदिन त्यसरी नै हाँसीखुसीसाथ कुराकानी गरिरहँदा निशाका दाइहरूले देख्छन् र साहिललाई मरणासन्न हुनेगरी कुट्छन । उसका आँखा सुन्निएको देखिन्छ, तरबारको प्रहारले उसको जिउमा गहिरो घाउ हुन्छ ।

मध्यरातमा निशा साहिलको रुममा जान्छे । उसको दर्दनाक स्थिति देख्दा उसको आखाँबाट बर्रर आँसु झर्छ । ऊ घाउमा मलम लगाइ दिन खोज्छे तर साहिलले मान्दैन ।

‘म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु साहिल’, निशा रुँदै भन्छे ।

‘म केवल एउटा सुसारेमात्रै हुँ, कसरी तपार्इंलाई म माया गर्न सक्छु, यो त असम्भव छ म्याम,’ आफ्नो घाउमा बाँधिएको ब्यान्डेज मिलाउँदै भन्छ ऊ, ‘कृपया आफ्नो रुममा जानुस्, नभए तपाईंले पनि सजाय पाउनुहुनेछ आफ्ना दाइहरूबाट ।’

 ऊ यत्ति सुन्दर थिई कि उसलाई देख्नेबित्तिकै सबै मोहित हुन्थे । यहाँसम्म कि एउटा चरा सधैं उसको झ्यालमा आएर उसैलाई हेरिरहन्थ्यो, जस्तो कि एउटा प्रेमीले आफ्नी प्रेमिकालाई ।

निशाले सम्झाउन खोज्छे तर उसको कोसिस सबै व्यर्थ जान्छ । उसले सोध्छे, ‘के तिमीले मलाई माया गर्दैनौं र ? ’ साहिलले केही नसोची तुरुन्तै भन्दिहाल्छ, ‘नाइँ, गर्दिनँ ।’

उसले भित्री हृदयबाट प्रेम गरे पनि व्यक्त गर्न डराउँछ ।

करिब महिना दिनपछि साहिल तंग्रिन्छ । निशाले भन्छे, ‘पाँच मिनेट भित्र मेरो रुममा आऊ है ।’ तर, उसले वास्ता गर्दैन । निशाले सुसारेलाई भनेर बोलाउन पठाउँछे । ऊ निशाको रुममा जान बाध्य हुन्छ ।

उसले निशालाई अर्कै रूपमा देख्छ, निशाले अर्कै लुगा लगाएकी हुन्छे । उसको श्वासको गति धड्किरहेको हुन्छ । साहिलको आँखामा आँखा मिलाउँदँ आफ्नो असीम माया व्यक्त गर्छे । तर, साहिलको मन पग्लिँदैन । रिसको झोकमा निशाले उसलाई गाली गर्छे । यो महलमा कहिल्यै पाइला नटेक्नु भनेर रुन्छे ।

साहिलले सोही रात एकाबिहानै महल छोड्छ, कसैलाई नभनिकन ।

अर्को दिन निशा साहिललाई भेट्न भनि उसको कोठामा जान्छे । तर, कोठा रित्तो हुन्छ ।

सदाझै चरा आउँछ, निशाको रुमको झयालमा र उसलाई हेरिरहन्छ । चराले उसको दर्द नियालिरहेको हुन्छ र सोध्छ, ‘के भयो ? ’ निशाले सबै कुरा बिस्तारमा भन्छे ।

चरा पनि भावविह्वल सहयोग गर्ने वाचा गर्छ । उ साहिललाई खोज्न भुर्र उड्छ ।

दस दिनपछि चराले साहिललाई खोज्न सफल हुन्छ । ऊ साहिलको नजिकै जान्छ । निशाले उसलाई कसरी व्यग्र रूपमा प्रतीक्षा गरिरहेकी छे भन्ने कुरा बताउँछ ।

साहिलले पनि वास्तविक कुरा भन्छ । ‘म निशालाई मन पराउँछु । धेरै माया पनि गर्छु तर उसलाई स्विकार्न भने सक्दिनँ,’ साहिल भन्दै गर्छ, ‘ऊ असाध्यै राम्री छे । आफ्नो पूरै जीवन यस्तो सुख सुविधासम्पन्न महलमा हुर्केकी र म जाबो एउटा नोकर उसको महलमा काम गरिराछु, यो सम्बन्ध असम्भव छ ।’

चराले आश्वास्त पार्छ । उसलाई चिन्ता नलिन भन्दै तिमीहरूलाई मिलाउन सबै कुराको बन्दोबस्त गर्नेछु भन्छ ।

दिन बित्दै जान्छ । निशाको स्वास्थ्य बिग्रिरहेको हुन्छ र एक साँझ उसको बुवाले टेबलमा अचानक चक्कु देख्नुहुन्छ । निशा बेहोस भइसकेकी हुन्छे । उसको रगताम्मे हातमा एउटा कागजको पाना हुन्छ । त्यो कागजमा रगतले लेखिएको हुन्छ कि ऊ साहिलको लागि मात्रै बनेकी हो र निकै नै माया गर्छे उसलाई ।

उसको बुवा रिसाएर पहरेदारहरूलाई बोलाई साहिललाई जहाँसुकै भेटे मारिदिने उर्दी जारी गर्छन् ।

पाँच दिनपछि उनीहरूले साहिललाई खोज्न भ्याउँछन् र निशाको जिन्दगीबाट टाढिन धम्की दिन्छन् । तर, उसले सिधै नकार्छ । पहरेदारहरूले लखेट्छन् । ऊ भागिरहँदा गम्भीर रूपमा घाइते हुन्छ ।

निशाको बुवाले उसलाई गाडीमा राखेर उपचार गराउन अस्पताल लागिरहेका हुन्छन् । र संयोगवश, उनीहरू त्यही ठाउँबाट गइराखेका हुन्छन्, जुन ठाउँमा साहिल र पहरेदारहरूको लडाइँ चलिरहेको हुन्छ ।

साहिल सकी नसकी पीडामा कराइरहेको हुन्छ, ‘निशा मेरी हो । उसलाई मबाट कसैले खोस्न सक्दैन । म उसलाई निकै माया गर्छु ।’

होसमा आएकी निशा साहिलले बारम्बार भनिरहेको कुरा सुन्छे र बिस्तारै आँखा खोल्छे । ऊ मुस्कुराउँछे । गाडीको ढोका खोल्न लाग्दा उसको बुवाले खोल्नै दिनु हुन्न ।

उसले धकेल्छे बुवालाई । गुडिरहेको गाडीबाट हाम्फाल्छे । चिच्याएर साहिललाई बोलाउँछे, ‘साहिल, कहाँ छौ तिमी ? साहिल, साहिल... आइ लभ यु, कहाँ छौँ तिमी ? म आइसके । 

प्लिज मलाई पर्ख । साहिल, साहिल...।’

आशालाग्दो र हरेस खाएको चिन्तित स्वरमा रुँदै भनिराखेकी हुन्छे ।

दौडदै गर्दा निशाको खुट्टा अल्झिन्छ । यसो हेर्दा साहिललाई देख्छे, ऊ बेहोस भएर लडिरहेको हुन्छ ।

चराहरूको झुन्ड आउँछ उनीहरू नजिक । कोही रुखको हाँगामा त कोही भुइँमा चिरबिर गर्छन् ।

निशा साहिललाई बोलाउँछे, ‘साहिल म अब त्यो महलमा कहिल्यै फर्किन्न । मैले छाडे । खाली तिमी र ममात्र कतै गएर सुखसाथ बाँचौंला । हामीबीच अब कोही नि आउँदैन । उठ न प्लिज...।’

उता पछाडिबाट निशाका दाइहरू हातमा धारिलो तरबार लिएर आइराखेका हुन्छन् ।

प्रकाशित मिति: शनिवार, मंसिर २३, २०७४  |  अन्नपूर्ण पोष्ट (फुर्सद)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Sleek and sauve


As soon as you walk through the entrance you are greeted by a big garden on the right. A pathway takes you to the main door from where you can head straight towards the patio. A khatiya is neatly placed on the patio. The lobby has minimal decoration leaving it open and airy with white walls and marbled floor.On the right, an Ayatul Kursi frame dons the wall, silently blessing visitors and protecting the house. In the centre, a flower vase filled with fresh flowers is placed on a table.


“This is my room. My world! I have hand-picked only the finest materials for my room,” Shah reveals. Minimal design with black and white theme is what the bedroom is all about. He has infused local decorations with modern interiors. According to Shah, the bed is the most important part of the room. A cleverly made wooden pallet king size bed gives a contemporary feel to the space. The combination of white and black makes the whole room look elegant. As far as the lighting is concerned, the large windows brightens the space with ample light during the day and a beautiful wall and bed lamp illuminates the room at night. “It took me six months to design the Bandana black and white carpet and select the mattresses,” says Shah.

Shoes on the stairs

“There was an old house being demolished a year ago. I chanced upon this wooden stairs and bought it although I did not know what to do with it. I then realised that I needed a good shoe rack and now I am using this old stairs for my shoes,” says Shah.

The Girl

Shah’s friend Meghana gifted him the gorgeous oil painting of a retro girl. It was her first painting and she did not want to sell it. “I am single and she thought I might need a girl in my room, besides, she knew that I would value the painting like no other.”

The study area

On the side of his king size bed lies Shah’s multipurpose table. Locally sourced bamboo plants and other antiques compliment this section. The orange chair adds to the overall modern look Shah is going for in this section.

The most treasured of all the items on the table are ancient coins given to Shah’s ancestors by kings of those times. “I got it last year from my grandmother and I will hand this to my next generation, to keep the legacy alive,” says Shah.

An antique Roman clock which Shah brought from Dubai sits on his multipurpose table.

A version of this article appears in print on August 06, 2015  On Home & Interior of The Himalayan Times.

Throw caution to the wind


You never know where life will take you. Dare to dream and let your heart wander. Life is beautiful. Just live it.

The first time I learnt about bungy jumping was through a famous Nepali music video by The Axe Band ‘Timro Najarley’, which featured the The Last Resort and all three members of the band leaped off from the 160m bridge. That’s when I made up my mind that one day I would try to do the same and I am glad I realised my dream a couple of days ago.

I wasn’t prepared to bungy jump until I received an invitation from The Last Resort Adventure. We were about 20 of us heading to The Last Resort to bungy jump and the excitement was brimming in all of us. We started at around 7.30 am and only stopped at a restaurant in Kavre for a quick breakfast and reached our destination at 11.40 am.

The resort is in Tatopani, Sindhupalchok. The bridge that we would bungy jump from is 160m long and stretches over the Bhote Koshi River. As soon as we reached, we were asked to cross the bridge and gather in the open hall of the resort for the bungy/swing briefing.

Prakash Pradhan, the bungy master, started the briefing session. He showed us harnesses, bungy cords and explained the do’s and don’ts to us. After our weight check we were divided into groups/weight categories. I was assigned to the third group which left me with ample time to grab lunch. As the first group completed their bungy, it was time for the swing. I saw an adventurer from Israel, Igor Nazarov leap off the platform. The jump was sudden and breathtaking. My eyes were glued to him as he went head first screaming in excitement. I opted for the swing instead of the bungy hoping for the same thrill.

The staff helped me to put on the harness and tightened the belts. The film crew fixed the GoPro camera on my right wrist and instructed me to focus on the lens. As I was given the final instructions, I was excited to jump. However, when I took the position to jump, I became nervous.  I was in two minds; I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could but I also wanted to throw caution to the wind and just jump. With much coaxing from a friend who was cheering me up I leaped into the air. The ropes pulled me down, the wind blew stronger. My heart was in my stomach. It was so sudden and for the first time I felt like a bird, I was over the wild Bhote Koshi river and a big rock. No one was there, only me, my imagination, and my anxiety. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t believe that I jumped from a 160m bridge. All this happened in about five seconds. Once I came to my senses, I recall feeling like a warrior who was returning victorious from war. When the winch started pulling me up, I took in the dense forest and lush greenery around me. After the swing, I wanted to bungy jump too but it was already getting dark and it was time to head back to the city.

The trip came to an end but for me the memory will last forever. I made a couple of good friends. I realised that life has so much to offer and the only thing we need to do is step out of our comfort zones and push our limits. You never know where life will take you. Dare to dream and let your heart wander. Life is beautiful. Just live it.

How to get there: 
The Last Resort 
Adventure bus leaves early in the morning at 6 am from Thamel. 
The journey is about 3.5 hours.

A version of this article appears in print on October 29, 2015 of The Himalayan Times.


In a bid to explore a different side of Bandipur, Moin Uddin visits Bandipur Adventure Camp

The drive to Bandipur Adventure Camp (BAC) in Bandipur, Tanahun is a delight. To make the trip even more memorable, Utsav Sapkota, Managing Director of BAC himself picked us up from Babar Mahal.

Located on top of a cliff and just 10- minute uphill hike from the bazaar, the camp lies on a historical fort made by King Mukunda Sen around 300 years ago. The camp offers an amazing view of the spectacular landscape of the
valley and surrounding villages.

Rustic Rooms

At BAC seven safari tents and 15 dome tents make up for accommodation. The safari tents accommodate six people. These are immobile, well ventilated and spacious. The dome tent accommodates two people and is portable.

Delicious food

The restaurant is a quick walk from the tents and boasts of gorgeous views of the Bandipur valley. Everything served from breakfast, lunch to dinner is equally scrumptious.

Activities to enjoy

Located just 10 minutes’ away from BAC, there are a host of activities that you can enjoy at Bandipur. One must visit the colourful Old Bandipur Market. An array of shops, restaurants and hotels welcomes you once you reach the bazaar.


Sapkota arranged a tandem flight for me but due to the strong breeze my flight was cancelled. However, the next day after patiently waiting for almost four hours, I got the green signal from Damien Bergier, the FFVL paragliding instructor for Blue Sky Paragliding, Nepal to fly above the hills of Bandipur. I suggest you bring good shoes and a windproof jacket and don’t forget to feed yourself before takeoff.

Major Attractions

Teen Dhara

It’s said to be the oldest water source of Bandipur originating from the forest. This water source has been vital for the locals.


It’s a huge ground situated at the top of a hill in Bandipur. It’s one of the major viewpoints and picnic spots for visitors. You can get the best view of the Himalayan range from this site.

Siddha cave

Siddha cave from the BAC is an hour’s hike away. This cave offers a surreal experience and is filled with natural artwork created by the stone pillars and stanchions. There are three major spots for cave rappelling each around 15, 20 and 45 metres.

Make it possible

What: Bandipur Adventure Camp

Where: Mukunda Sen Gadi, Bandipur, Tanahun

Contact: 9818712232 / 9841235636

How to get there: Head to Dumre Bazar, Tanahun, 142 kilometers west of Kathmandu or 69 kilometres east of Pokhara. BAC is 20 minutes away from the bazaar.

Best time to visit: February to Mid-May/ Mid-September to January

Price details: Rs 1,800 for Nepalis and USD 25 for foreigners for one night/day (exclusive of taxes). The package includes bed and breakfast (welcome drink, chicken BBQ, veg/non- veg dinner and breakfast).


There are so many things to fall in love with at BAC. The spectacular lush green site and the stunning view of the Himalayan range is just a start. The wonderful staffs not only raise the bar in terms of service but also make your stay worth every penny, giving you memories to last a lifetime.

A version of this article appears in print on March 17, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

Call from the Mountains – Daman


Moin Uddin

I wanted a break for some time and when a trip to Daman, 80 km west of Kathmandu came to me, it was an instant yes. So, on a sunny Friday afternoon, I along with a friend set off to the hills of Daman.

Once we crossed Naubise, we were greeted by the tranquil fresh countryside air. The scenic lush green hills made the four hour long drive to Daman end in no time. The smooth road turned serpentine as a magnificent sunset greeted us just as we were about to reach our destination; the sun never looked as beautiful as it did when it coyly glided beyond the hills.

Around six in the evening we reached Everest Panorama Resort daman2where we were staying for the night. Early the next morning, a view of the mountains and the gorgeous sunrise was simply breathtaking. The resort’s private view tower, equipped with binoculars brought the mountains from Mount Everest in the east to Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Manaslu, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri to the west much closer.
After a hearty breakfast we headed to a tranquil Tibetan Buddhist monastery. A thirty-minute leisurely walk from the resort, where the trail meanders through pristine forests, the monastery is draped in colourful buddhist prayer flags. We then went to Simbhanjyang. Hundreds of rhododendrons line up the trail, blooming in all their beauty – a walk around the surrounding area is an experience in itself. Rock climbing, cycling, hiking are some of the many activities possible here. For those who love hiking, one from Simbhanjyang to Bhimphedi-Deurali makes a beautiful hike. Other attractions include, Mountain Botanical Garden- famous for its bio-diversity and topographical settings and the the View Tower of Daman. The tower offers spectacular view ranging from the Palung to the beautiful Chitlang and the mountains.

Sadly for me, my rendezvous with Daman lasted only for a day. On the same afternoon, I headed back to Kathmandu leaving behind pristine pine forests, beautiful mountains and the chilly temperature of serene Daman.

A version of this article appears in print on February 19, 2015 of The Himalayan Times.

Less house more home

The spectacular traditional home of Rohit Ranjitkar in the alleys of Patan shows Moin Uddin how small can also be beautiful
12 years ago, Rohit Ranjitkar, an architect, was looking for an old traditional house in an urban setting with tranquil environment to settle in. After looking at multiple options he had his heart set on this 150 years old house. 

When he initially bought the house he says that it was in a dilapidated condition. After a couple of years he refurbished the house and finally decided to move in with his family.

“This new location was closer to my office and I finally realised my dream to live close to a heritage site (Patan Durbar Square),” says Ranjitkar. The house is built on two annas of land and is five storeys tall with four bedroom and six bathrooms. Ranjitkar has mostly employed old used wood from the salvage shops while renovating the house. For flooring and roof he has used pine wood as well as shorea robusta wood for the stanchions.

He has creatively placed warm lighting to create a very pleasant feel to the house. Also to make the most of the small area he has used the basic design elements of a studio apartment.

Master bedroom

The spacious master bedroom is an oasis of calm and a true retreat from the hassles of everyday living. It’s the most restful, romantic, and functional area. Ranjitkar enjoys watching television using the mounted projector above his bed. The wall opposite serves as his screen.


In this lavatory, the sink, toilet and fittings are locally sourced; the cabinets are made of wood, the walls are clad in off white colour, and the flooring is pinewood.


The kitchen, acts as the heart and hub of the household alongside the dining area. Ranjitkar has carefully planned and designed every detail of this room. He used a modern open concept with stainless steel countertop, an undermount sink and brunette cabinets. “This is our happy place. We spend most of our time here and also entertain our guests here,” says Ranjitkar.

Children’s bedroom

“A child’s bedroom is a safe haven, a place of comfort and a manifestation of identity as they grow,” says Ranjitkar. He has made it as spacious as the master bedroom for his children to play, hang out and study. He has placed low beds for his two children.

Rohit Ranjitkar is the Country Director of Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust.

A version of this article appears in print on February 18, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

A Call for Adventure!

With cycling becoming increasingly popular in the capital, Moin Uddin lists four cycling routes around the valley where adventure is guaranteed

Shivapuri National Park

The national park is a cycling enthusiast’s delight. The 23 km short trail from Shivapuri to Kakani which starts from Balaju will have you cycling on snaky roads for atleast 15 kms. On the way you will find lots of tea shops where you can stop for snacks and enjoy serene views of the mountains.

Another popular cycling route is the one from the Budhanilkantha gate to the beautiful village of Jhule with a total of 20 kms. From there you can cycle to Sankhu which is a 45 minute ride. Difficulty level: Average

The Nagarkot Ride

The uphill climb to Nagarkot starting from Bhaktapur is backbreaking but equally rewarding is the downhill from there, and every day you can see hundreds coming for the same. Located at an elevation of 2,150 m and 30 kms from Kathmandu, the trail is good for both intermediate and professional riders. Also the route from Nagarkot to Dhulikhel is an excellent cycling route but this path is quite tough, an overnight stay at Nagarkot is recommended. Difficulty level: Average

Helipad Ride

The route gets its name from the helipad in Kapan which falls on the trail. The three to four kilometre route is a mix of flats, rocks, uphills and downhills starting from Narayanthan. Venturing into The Helipad ride at Kapan is tough and the short uphill ride from Buddhanilkantha demands high level of stamina, skills and technique. You can pause at the helipad after climbing for three kilometres to regain your breath and while doing so you can enjoy some excellent scenery of the valley. Once you gain energy, start the intense rocky downhill sections from the helipad of Kapan through the jungle. The trail is narrow with a cliff on the right side.

The last few hundred metres of the trail is composed of scary rocks, recommended only for professionals. There isn’t any shop or house when you start uphill, so carry your own foodstuffs before you start your trail. Be careful as the downhill part is very technical. Difficulty level: Average

The Rajkulo Route

The single track Rajkulo route starts from Chapagaun and ends at Tika Bhairab temple. The 12 kilometre trail mostly passing alongside a canal is tricky at places and it is technical too. The funny part being that you would fall right into the canal and get totally wet if you lose focus, it is better to carry some spare clothes. The journey takes you through the old parts of Lalitpur including Bungamati and Khokana where you can observe the ancient heritage, culture and daily lives of Newari people. Difficulty level: Challenging

A version of this article appears in print on April 23, 2015 of The Himalayan Times.

Music makes me happy

Moin Uddin

There was a time when on many occasions I almost killed myself. Hey, no, no, no, what you may be thinking is wrong. Not physically, I mean by using a knife, blade, rope or any other instrument. No, no, no. However, I’ve killed myself mentally. The frustration, sadness and loneliness. I have always been fighting with these negative emotions, and luckily till now I’ve been successful in defeating them with positive music.

Yes, music. Music has played a great role in my life. It has motivated me and inspired me a lot. In fact, it has been one of my best friends. There have been many moments when it has helped me and counselled me more nicely and positively than my other friends with life. Having music as your best friend is a blissful thing. Positive lyrics, soulful music and sweet and commanding voice have made me change my perception. It has made me able to dive into the ocean of imagination. In fact, I’ve been a good swimmer. I dive deep and swim swiftly and come out from it with a relaxed feeling.

These days, I am listening to the song “Wake up Sid” from the movie “Wake up Sid”. It’s so appealing. It tells to move ahead, do something new, don’t waste time. Even if you can’t do anything, then just laugh or cry; but do something. Also the song “Junoon” from the movie “New York” has made me keep my enthusiasm level intact. There is a song “Isi life mein” sung by Mohit Chauhan. It’s lyrics and music are so good. It tells you to explore your life now, don’t wait for another life. It also says, “Don’t stop yourself, come out and reach out, now this is your chance, come out and reach out.” Oh, the lyrics are so, so, so good, and make me feel that life is not to be meant just to do one, two things. Instead, life is meant to explore and experience many many new and happening things.

Music, yes, music. It’s my best buddy. Whenever I feel low, I want someone to tell me some good things, which my collection of music tells me every now and then. And whenever I feel good, my best friend music itself is there with me to enjoy my happiness. Also, when I feel aggressive, there is my music “Metal songs” which fuels and intensifies my energy. Music, I laugh music, I talk music, and I say, “Let’s enjoy and share our feelings with music.”

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on  06-02-2013 08:47

Be what you want to be

Moin Uddin

We want our life to be bright. We want everything to enlighten our life. Money. Yes, money. We are chasing money. Many of us think of earning a handsome income to secure the future or to say that we have a wonderful career. We have forgotten that there have been many moments in our life which we have successfully captured in our memories. Our simple gestures, silly fights, long debates, showing off, helping friends, and simple hugs and pats on the back. We have almost forgotten all these memorable moments that we have experienced just to embrace our careers. We have forgotten everything. Family, friends, siblings… their compassion, love, sweet words and harsh words… just to secure a good career.

My friends and I also want the same thing as others do — to have a bright future. Many of my friends have sidelined their education which is actually the backbone of their career — in the belief that earning money is building a good career. I know and have many such friends who are going through financial problems. So they had to take a job. It was not necessary for them to earn money, but it was necessary for their families; and it has now become their career.

In college, I have different groups of friends who are struggling and studying big fat books to pass the exam of the Public Service Commission. They desire to have a bright and secure future. A government job is a must, and it is the best. It may be true for them, but I think that experiencing life and exercising one’s talents is having the brightest and best career.  Can we say that thieves, burglars and bank robbers have been successful in securing a bright career? They have money, but what they don’t have is freedom. They are always chased and are also in the wanted list of the police. So they are not successful. To have a bright career, money is one part; but the most important part is freedom. Freedom of expression and presentation. Prestige, belongingness, social status and self-actualisation. If these parts are missing, it cannot be said to be a bright career.

Many big businessmen have huge amounts of money, but due to the above-mentioned factors, they feel unsuccessful deep inside. I have seen a big businessmen turning into a lyricist. He has a huge amount of money but lacked belongingness, social status and self-actualisation. In conclusion, to have a bright and secured career, satisfaction is needed in the real sense… satisfaction in what we do. Look for and seek satisfaction instead of money to secure a bright career and also to maintain a good relationship.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on  01-05-2013 08:40

Pain and gain

Moin Uddin

Pain, huh? Yes pain. What comes into your mind when you think about pain? Can pain be enjoyed? There may be various answers to this question, and many people may be wondering how pain can be enjoyed. Aren’t you? I have a friend who suffers a lot from migraines. For the last eight years, he has been afflicted with this condition, and it has been only six years since

the doctor diagnosed it. So, what is a migraine? Though he told me many things regarding it, I turned the pages of the Oxford dictionary and found out that it is “a very severe type of headache which often makes a person feel sick and have difficulty in seeing”.

I feel lucky to have him as my friend.

He is inspiring. He is funny. He is a genius in his own way. While having a conversation with him, I came to know about his migraines. He told me that they feel like devastating volcanos erupting. He also said that he feels like someone is cutting his head with an axe. But later, he said that he enjoyed it. He had started taking pleasure in the pain. Isn’t that wonderful?

Taking pleasure in pain is an art which he has cultivated within himself. So, are there any medical treatments to cure migraine? I asked him and you know what he said? “I’ve been to numerous doctors and have had many X-rays done. Many kinds of drugs have been prescribed but the pain only slows down when taking the medicines. It gradually comes back when the medicine starts losing its power. He said one good thing which I think everybody should follow, “You only cultivate pain when you think of pain.” I think he is right. He told me that we are the masters and decide whether to suffer a lot from pain or slow it down and control it.

I asked him whether the migraine had affected his daily life. And he said, “Yes, for some period, it hampers your life but it’s normal. Look at me, I am healthy. I do my work. I attend Spanish classes. I do graphic designing and am attending classes at college too.” I smiled. People who are suffering from migraine should learn that life is not harsh on you but you are hurting yourself by thinking that life is miserable.

This sort of negative attitude about yourself should be changed immediately to the positive. Instead, go and explore your life. Forget pain and remember that you are the master of yourself and do whatever you like. But take responsibility for the things you do. You can do everything like all the people do.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on  25-09-2013 09:08

In the land of superheroes

Moin Uddin

I started reading comic books when I was a child, from the age of eight. I have a huge collection of them. I used to read comic books about Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and Ninja. All these have helped me in shaping my subconscious mind in such ways that I can do everything like flying off from the terrace to jumping off a cliff and using powers like they do when helping people against enemies. I always used to wonder that if Spiderman could bring out a web from the wrist, then why couldn’t I? I read that a spider had bitten the hand of an ordinary person, and he became Spiderman with superhuman powers.

During my childhood, I wanted to become like Spiderman. Once, I went to the old store room in my house. There were lots of spider webs and some big spiders hanging from them. The scenario was so scary, but somewhere inside me I had a desire to be like Spiderman, to help people and carry my girlfriend in my arms. Of course, I did not have a girlfriend, but wanted to show heroism and keep swinging from one romantic place to another just to prove that I was a real super hero! So what happened that day was that I irritated one of the spiders and it actually bit my hand. I felt so happy that I was going to become like Spiderman. But you know the reality, I was a stupid boy. My hands became swollen and my parents immediately rushed me to the hospital as I was lying unconscious in the storeroom. When I became conscious, my parents scolded me so badly that my interest in being a super hero like Spiderman faded instantly. I remember those days and sometimes I laugh at my innocent behaviour as a child. However, recollecting those times always relieves me and reminds me of my folly. So when I meet children who take stories like that to be true, I try to explain to them that they are merely make-believe and advise them not to emulate such acts.

There are some teen comic books that are liked by the teens worldwide. They include Romantically Apocalyptic, Two Guys and Guy, Were Geek, Everyday life only Epic and Namesake. You may be asking how many people read comic books regularly. At least 50 million people read comic books, and 90 percent of them are in Japan. Approximately 300,000 regular or semi-regular readers read comics like Marvel, DC, Superman and Spiderman. The top selling comic sells about 115,000 copies a month. These are some facts. The comic book reading culture among teenagers is still alive like it used to be many ages ago. It is good for cognitive power as it stimulates the mind to generate new ideas. It also helps in developing one’s ability to read and write with sparkling creativity.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on  17-04-2014 08:39

It’s all write

Moin Uddin

One day, I am going to be a wonderful writer who will make people believe in their true potential to have someone unknown praying silently for their survival. I am going to be a legendary writer. It has been a passion of mine, and knowingly or unknowingly, I started writing. I didn’t know that my writing would be read and appreciated. I grew up reading other people’s write-ups, and I would always think that one day I shall be able to write like them. But most of the time, when I was just trying to write, I would think of writers being by my side, I mean some of the writers I know personally and who used to appreciate of my writing.

I would think they are the great ones, and that I should write like them. And that as their writings are published, my writings too would get published. I would think that I should write like them, that my work should be of the same standard, that it should have the same kind of word selection, the same kind of sentences with powerful words that would force the reader to look up the dictionary. I thought that they were considered to be good writers because they write sentences containing words that have to be look up. It was difficult to understand their words and sentences. I would not get the exact meaning, but I would read them thinking that they were great writers. My friends would read their works and behave as if they understood everything.

Now I have understood that what I thought and grew up with was just an illusion. It is a myth that using words that are difficult to understand makes one’s writing of high standard. When I cannot understand the sentences written by some writers, I realise that there may be people who are not up to my literary thinking, those who are poor in reading and understanding. I would think that the sentences should be simple. When I was growing up, I met many writers, many powerful scholars, and their only suggestion for me was that my writing should be simple so that even the less literate can understand that what you are saying.

It’s not that I started writing for any name and fame. It’s just a passion, a passion to express my views and concerns as I am an introvert, things that I find difficult to express through spoken words. Slowly, I started expressing my feelings through my writings, and this has been a wonderful way for me to make my feelings felt. Many times, I’ve written my feelings. This way, it has brought a change in my life. Now, many people consider me to be writer, and I believe that one day I’ll be a wonderful writer who can bring positive changes in the lives of billions of people.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on 25-12-2013 08:55

An inseparable relationship

Moin Uddin

Relationships matter. It’s a process, not a onetime shot. Just the way a seed needs to be nurtured by sunlight, water, soil and favourable weather conditions to grow, so does a relationship. Apt nurture, love, care and protection are the inevitable ingredients for any relationship to bloom.
I have a unique relationship with my spectacles. We’ve been friends for a decade. An eye specialist came to my school one day to conduct an eye camp where I was told to read alphabets printed on a back-lit translucent box.

Reading the bigger letters was a breeze, but as I progressed to the smaller ones, deciphering the alphabet started getting difficult.  

The doctor then advised me to visit the hospital.

At Bir Hospital, I bought an admittance ticket and took the staircase to the third floor where the eye department was situated. The room was dark, but for an incandescent light bulb that helped make out the tables, stools and check-up machines in the room. There in the room, an ophthalmologist sat on an old wrought-iron chair examining patients in turns. And after waiting for sometime it was my turn to get examined.

It was the weirdest pair of glasses I had ever seen. It was a bulkly metal frame with circular scales and detachable lenses. The doctor would remove the lenses from the spectacles and replace them with ones with different power readings, then ask me to read from the light box. He’d pick a new glass from his collection every time I failed to read the next line. Finally, I was able to read every letter on display. The doctor congratulated me and also informed that I now needed to use glasses with -0.25 power.

I would visit the eye doctor every six months, and with each edition, he’d recommend a higher power reading for my spectacles. He asked me to replace my first pair with a -0.5 glass during the second visit. And then -1.5 in the next visit.

And prior to my fourth visit, because I was skeptic of the doctor’s recommendations, I had made up my mind not to change the glasses irrespective of the diagnosis. This time it was -2. I stuck to my older pair.

But with defiance came the difficulty in seeing things clearly. So, when I finally decided to visit the doctor, after much procrastination, I made sure that I questioned him about my skepticism regarding the constant increase in the power of my glasses.

“I don’t understand how educated people like you believe in myths,” he quipped. “It’s not wearing the right power that stresses your eyes. Lens never increase shortsightedness.”

Then it was another round of testing.

“I should prescribe -2.5 for you. If you’re afraid, then I can go ahead and write -2.25 on your report,” the doctor said.

I requested him to write down the truth.

My decision to forgo the spectacles for a while had already affected the condition of my eyes. Had I put on the correct lenses, following the doctor’s advice, the power of my eyes probably wouldn’t have degraded the way it did.

And through time, along with the condition of my eyes, I have changed too. My spectacles are a part of me now. My eyes and the glasses, they’ve grown to form an inseparable relationship.

Uddin is a student at Shankhar Dev Campus

Published on the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on: 29-09-2014 09:15

The joy of college

Moin Uddin

College life is amazing and interesting besides being a time to attain an education. It is one of the places where we get to specialise in our desired subject. It shapes our passion and interest into a concrete form. It helps us to build our confidence. Besides education, we get other special things. The friends we meet are going to last forever though many may say how college friends are going to last forever. In fact, there will be many students in college having various interests and backgrounds, but only those friends having similar likes and dislikes and who care for us the most will be with us forever. It’s a place to build a strong relationship not only with the friends we meet regularly but also with the teachers and other staff. Whether it is the sweeper, the cleaner or the owner of the canteen, college is an opportunity to establish intimate bonds.

College life is not only meant for studying and meeting friends but also for having fun. Friends play an important role in making the environment more fun. Once, my close friends and I had played a prank on our teacher. Later, we got punished, but we had our fun. We didn’t want to study, we were feeling bored and I came up with an idea to have fun. I called my friends and we planned to give the teacher a miscall every minute. All five of us had the teacher’s phone number. We gave miscalls time and again. Every time the teacher stepped out of the classroom to take the call, we hung up. The next day, he checked all our phone numbers in the college register and found out that we were the ones who had been irritating him. We got harsh punishment along with a warning. However, we had a fun. I am not advising you to do what we did, but we should enjoy our college life. Sometimes in class, funny questions come to our minds and we make a big thing out of them, and the whole period is kept busy by our silly questions.

College life is also that phase of our lives when we get infatuated with the opposite sex. If not controlled, the attraction can have disastrous consequences. There are also students who only come to have fun and not to study. They disturb the whole class. Many gang fights occur just to show superiority. Yes, college life is interesting, and we should explore our capabilities and build a strong relationship with everyone. The things we do become lasting memories, so let’s do great work. Let’s make our teachers proud by studying hard and attaining high marks in the board exams. Let’s make our parents proud by fulfilling their dreams of their children becoming successful persons by studying and participating in college activities. And lastly, let’s make ourselves proud by fulfilling our own dreams and desires.

Published on the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on 12-02-2014 08:59

When the educated turn uneducated!

Moin Uddin

Since time immemorial we are raising our voice to eradicate the torture and unethical punishments that women faces in a day to day life.

Despite raising many similar voices by several other means be it on television, radio, newspaper or by organizing rally in the major places or sitting outside of the ministers home and offices also sometimes dismantling the property in rage we have by our hard efforts achieved nothing significant other than the sweet statement of the officials saying that they’ll investigate and bring the culprit to the public and shall punish him/her to the harshest.

And we the innocent ones believe that the officials will act to their best and we tend to cancel all the other programs to support the victim, now it has become a tradition when any such crime occurs. Doing so every time the government has become aware of our innocence and they slow in the process of acting immediately and the media who only seeks the hot news for the day just to publish it on their paper or to broadcast on their radio/television they even don’t give a heck to follow up the news the next day. This is just a simple reason for the criminals to get motivated to commit crime.

We the general people come into emotion easily and put on status when anyone immediately reports in the social networking sites. We vomit our thoughts without giving a thought of what we are trying to say. We people also have become fancied by the problems which are occurring.

We get hyper for a day and the next day we get lost in other problem that we face in our life. This is obvious; we have our own problems to sort out first. This is the mentality of most of the people. We never think that those problems are ours. We also can be victim anytime. This awareness doesn’t come to us when other face the problem. We have become a fancy journalist without getting a course of the ethics that the journalist need to follow, thanks to the burgeoning popularity of various social networking sites that we are familiar with.

Recently two girls suffered from an inhumane act. Unidentified boys threw acid on the face of those girls in the busiest and happening place of town .i.e. Basantapur where sadly there is a major police station situated on the heart of the place but the culprits got the courage to act making the life tougher for those girls, not only them there are other girls too who is insecure of walking on the roads freely.

There are other cases too such as, rape, molestation, threating people, financial problems, trying to show off, power struggle, status struggle, love, hate, short tempered, which are the major cases that we tend to neglect when identifying the crimes.

If we try to look deeply into many criminal cases the crime has occurred oftentimes mainly due to unsuccessful love stories, hate for the other people, ego problem between coworkers/ friends, unheard problems, not being able to withstand the torture which turns into the result of hating that people. And when people tends to hate there is obvious to occur the crime.

Even the boys are not safe in this matter. If a girl can be a victim then can’t a boy be the victim? This is a matter of concern for every individual.

The solutions that the government can play are by being faithful to their duties and responsibilities and to act immediately when they get the report of the crime. Transparent actions and process of trying to find the crime should be made available to the public which will help in building the trust of the general public towards the police.

INGO/NGO should also be able to raise the concerns and plight of the individual and should try to aware the people about the possibilities of the crime that could take place and should also try to say that why the crime could take place and also have to say the solutions to alleviate the crime.

Individuals have a major role to play. The crime occurs between individuals and as I’ve mentioned already above the possibilities of why the crime occurs. If anyone faces the crime then you should be able to stand by the victim until and unless they get the justice. Not just acting among the hype that the media creates and to cool down when the stories are unsaid by the media.

Media plays a huge role in any spheres of life. Most crime occurs due to the information transmitted by the media. Media by means is most powerful medium in shaping the mental and physical condition of the people. They can build the love and hate relationship between people and even cultivate the ego problem which could result into the major crime. Media should be loyal towards the job, they shouldn’t take anybody’s side and should flow the information accordingly. The main problem of our Nepali media is they only try to seek new information to raise their TRP. They hardly follow up the news and don’t bother to say what happened next as something other new problem arise and they gets lost in all those to cover the news. Last week the two girls’ news was overshadowed by the Turkish Airlines news. This is the situation of our media. Ever media houses run for the same news and the next day they never try to follow up.

What I think is crime can only be controlled when every concerned people comes and join hands to wipe it. They should also think that the crimes that took place today can happen the other day with them. Until and unless we don’t feel the pain of others as ours the crime will never come into control, no-matter how much we boast about eliminating the crime. This will keep on continuing.

Published on a newspaper myRepublica on 09 Mar 2015