Monday, December 22, 2014

अब के भन्ने अरुलाई ?

 – मोइन उद्दिन

हामी मानिसमा अनौठो बानी छ, अब के भन्ने, सबमा यो बानी मज्जा संग टासिंएर बसेको छ । हामी हाम्रो जीवन राम्रो होस्, अरुले हामी संग मिठो तरिकाले बोलिदेओस्, राम्रो पाराले के छ, कस्तो छ भनेर सोधि देओस्, कहिले काहिं आफूबाट जानेर या नजानेर गल्ती भएमा तुरुन्तै माफी गरि देओस्, अनि हामीलाई भेट्न आउँदा कहिले काहिं (हुन त हरेक बेला) केहि कोसेली ल्याइ देओस्, राम्रो राम्रो कुरा गरोस्, रेस्टुराँमा लगेर लजिज खाना खुवाँओस् र बिल पनि ऊ आफैले तिरोस्, हाम्ले तिर्न खोजे जस्तो नाटक गरे तामा पनि उसैलेनै नाइ नास्ती गरेर तिरिदेओस्, इत्यादी कुराहरु प्राय चाहन्छौ ।

हामीमा गज्जबैका  अर्को बानी छ र त्यो हो अरुलाई अनेक गहकिलो प्रवचन दिने बानी, हाम्रो फिलोसोफिकल वाणी सुनेर पालना गरोस भन्ने हाम्रो भग्वान संग प्रार्थना हुने गर्छ । झन कोहिले म बिरामी छु मात्र के भन्यो भने, त्यै ठाउँका ठाउँमा आफू वरिष्ठ डाक्टर हुँ है झै गरेर अनेक यो त्यो औषधी सेवन गर यो लाउँm, त्यो पिउँm भनेर उसको दिमागमा त्यस्तै उस्तै औषधीहरु प्रिस्क्राइब गर्छौ पनि र त्यो मानिसले त मान्छ पनि र हामी हाम्रो कलेजै नगइकन , लाखौ पैसा नतिरिकन आर्जेको ज्ञान प्रति धन्य हुन्छौ पनि । बेचारा डाक्टरी पढ्ने भनेर कस्सेकाहरुलाई त कस्तो हुने होला, ऊ खर्चिन्छ लाखौ लाख त्यै पनि पढ्न पाउँदैन र यहाँ सितैमा उपचार भैराछ, कस्तो मुटु पोल्ने होला यि डाक्टरहरु को ?

झन अर्को स्वादिलो बानी के छ भने हामीमा, लाञ्छना लाउन त कतै पाठशाला नगैकन सिकेछौ, “हेर त त्यो केटी, कस्ती झर्‍याऊ लाग्दी है, हेर न त्यो लुगा लाउने तरिका, कस्तो बेरिङ्ग, हेर न अस्ती त्यो छ नी अर्की दामी केटी के, हो त्यो मूली त त्यो खाते संग लागि भन्या, हामी के झण्डु बाम दल्न गएका थियौ र , कस्तो आखै फुट्या रैछे यसको त– छ्या कस्तो पात च्वोइस रैछ यसको, खाली शरिर मात्र दामी रैछ, अकल त भुसै रैछ, यस्तै अनेक कुरा हुन्छ, चिया पिउँदै गफ गर्दा, या अनायासै साथी संग काम नपाएर बरालिदाँ । तर यि कुराहरु कसैले हामीलाई भन्दा, कत्ति आत्तिन्छौ हामी, फुटाइदिउ, कि क्या हो त्यो पाखेलाई जस्तो रिस उठ्छ । हामी अरुलाई त यसो गर उसो गर भनेर सल्लाह त दिन्छौ तर आफूले कहिले पनि बोलेका कुरालाई पालनानै गर्दैनौ र झनै अघि सम्म भुसै भुसले भरिएको केटीले बोल्न आउँदा हामी क्या खुसी हुन्छौ तर बिर्सिन्छौ कि, के म त्यो खाते त होइन, जुन मैले अघि भन्या थे त्यो मूलालाई, साथी संग चिया पिउँदै गर्दा, यहि केटी त हो र अहिले म संग बोल्न आउँदा म क्या उडिराछु ।

यस्तै बानी छ हाम्रो, प्रवचन अरुको लागि ठिक हुन्छ तर त्यै आÏनो लागि विष सरह लाग्न थाल्छ । किन हामी पालना गर्दैनौं ति नियमहरु, र किन अपेक्षा गर्छौ अरुले पालना गरिदेओस् भनेर । हामी मानिस अरुमा हजारौ खोट देख्छौ, कनि कनि खोज्छौ र खोजिनै रहनेछौ तर आफू पनि त हजारौं खोटले भरिएको प्राणी हौं भनेर वास्तविकतालाई मान्न चाहिं तयार कदापी छैनौ र मान्दा नि मान्दैनौ ।

त्यै भएर त अरुले पनि हामीलाई त्यै अनुसार हेर्छन –खोटै खोटले भरिएको मानिस । भनिन्छ जे गरिन्छ, जे सोचिन्छ, जे भन्निछ अरुको लागि हामी पनि त आखिरमा त्यहीनै हौँ । अब के भन्ने अरुलाई, मज्जा संग थहाँ पाउनु भयो नि है ?


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Open Letter to Mark Zukerberg (Facebook Founder)

You need to change some policy to use facebook‬, anyone posting any sort of photo, well the photo and content needs to be censored, at-least minimum criteria must be set, just now while i was scrolling i saw the Terrorist Pic, who were killed today at Pakistan, there pictures were shared by Pakistan Defense, well informing about them may be good and showing pictures may also be good to others, but most people don't have the strong heart to see all those bloody deadly scary pictures, and these days the first hand pictures are shared without blurring it, so you must invent the software that could detect the photo which could be shared on FB, otherwise Facebook will bring terror out of the terrorist those who are mocking the humanity.
Fight, attack, smuggling, trafficking, rape, loot, kidnap, dakoit, everywhere it's happening and yes, people are sharing their views, which is absolutely good, citizens need to be informed, but Facebook shouldn't be the platform to motivate people to do so, so please you need to bring the policy as soon as possible to censor the materials that's being trending in the Facebook.
Those pictures and contents can have a disastrous effect on the people lives who are using the FB_ for many nights and days even this can affect one's well being and that picture can be the recurring dream for many people, just imaging what will people lives be then, s/he'll live in a fear all day and night thinking of those picture, though s/he might not think, but the pictures will immediately come in their eyes, so it's our request that you bring the policy as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,
Moin Uddin,

Friday, December 12, 2014

बेचबिखन (अब कसलाई गरिब भन्ने ?)

– मोइन उद्दिन

मलाई रेडियो सुन्न निकै मन लाग्छ । यो एउटा साथी जस्तै हो मेरो । धेरै कुरा भन्छ, मैले मनमा जान्न खोजेका कुरा यसले आफै भनिदिन्छ, मज्जाको गीत पनि बजाइदिन्छ । बहुगुणले भरिएको छ मेरो साथी “रेडियो” ।

केहि दिन अघि, राती सुत्ने बेलामा रेडियोमा चेलीबेटी बेचबिखन बारे कार्यक्रम सुने । कसरी यो हुदो रहेछ, के कारणले, कसले गर्दा रैछन, किन हुन्छ –सब सुने । साह्रै नरमाइलो लाग्यो । तर मानिस संग बिकल्प नभए के नै गरोस् त ? मान्छेमा ज्ञान छ, आजकलका केटीमा यसको बारेमा ज्ञान छैन होला ? छ सबैमा छ, यो नराम्रो काम हो, यस्तो गर्नु हुदैन, यसले आफू पापी भइन्छ र अन्यलाई दोषी बनाउन तर्फ लागिन्छ यदि यस्तो कार्य गर्‍र्यो भने भन्ने कुरा मज्जा सित थाहाँ छ तर थहाँ मात्र पाएर के गर्ने – कत्ति अवस्थामा परिस्थतीले हत्कडी लगाइदिदाँ भाग्य त्यसै छटपटिन थाल्छ र ऊ विवश भएर त्यसै अवश्था अनुरुप चल्न थाल्छ । अरे बा–आमालाई आÏनो सन्तानको माया लाग्दैन र ? लाग्छ तर गरिबीले नमिठो तरिकाले पिटे पछि कसले सहन सक्छ र ? मान्छेलाई लट्ठीले पिट्दा ऊ त भाग्न खोज्छ भने गरिबी त निकै भयंकर चोट हो, यसबाट हरकोही भाग्न चाहन्छ, त्यै भएर त एउटा पिटाइ खाने मान्छेले आफूलाई पिटाई खानबाट रोक्न हातलाई माथि या त केहि कुराले रोक्न खोज्छ भने ति बा–आमाले पनि त गरिबीलाई रोक्न आफू संगै भएका कुराहरु प्रयोग गरि रोक्न खोज्छन, ऊ संग के नै छ र? उसका छोरा –छोरी र श्रीमती बाहेक र तिनीहरुलाई ज्ञान पनि नभएको होइन, छोरा–छोरीले देखिराछन आÏनो नियती, कुन घरमा हुर्किराछु र कसले मलाई जन्मायो भनेर ठूलै ज्ञान छ र त ऊ पनि जानेरनै आफूलाई सुम्पिन्छन ।

हामी मध्ये कत्ति काठमाडौं भागेर आएका होलाऊ । कत्ति भारतबाट नेपाल आए र काठमाडौंकाहरु विदेश गए, किन त ? यहि त हो, गरिबीबाट उम्किन, अब कसलाई गरिब भन्ने, यो पनि बढी गाह्रै छ, गाउँमा भएकाहरु आफू गरिब छु भनि काठमाडौं आउनु पर्‍र्यो अनि मात्रै धनि बनिएला भनेर सपना बोकी छिर्छन र काठमाडौंमा भएकाहरु विदेश जानुपर्‍र्यो अनि पैसा कमाइएला भनेर सोच्छन । विदेश गएकाहरु उता घरमा बा–आमा, आफन्तजनलाई पैसा पठाउन नपाएकोमा र यता आफू यातनामा मात्रै परि राखेकोमा गरिब ठान्छन –विडम्बना पो छ त यहाँ, विचल्ली छ यहाँ हरकोहीलाई ।

मानिस बेचबिखन हुनबाट पहिला मानसिक्ता परिवर्तनको जरुरी छ –आफू लगायत समाज अनि पुरै देश र संसारवासीको मानसिक्ता परिवर्तनको जरुरी छ र यो चाडै हुने वाला छैन, गरिबीले आखिर गाडेकै छ आÏनो प्रभुत्व, यसलाई नउखेले सम्म यो कहाँ सम्भव छ र ?


हामी नेपालीको कहिले नसुध्रिने बानी

– मोइन उद्दिन

अचम्म लागेर आउँछ मलाई, हामी नेपालीको बानी देखेर पनि कस्तो घिन र लाज महशुस हुन्छ । अस्ती भर्खरै राज्यले १८औं सार्क शिखर सम्मेलनको अवसर पारेर सार्कका अतिथीलाई देखाउनको लागि भए पनि अचानक थोरै समयमा काठमाडौंलाई नयाँ दुलहीलाई सिंगारेझै सिंगारिदियो ।

तर सार्क सम्मेलन सिध्ने बित्तिकै सरकारले पनि सुरक्षा कम गर्‍र्यो राजधानीमा र त्यस माथि बटुवाहरु पनि आÏनो गन्तव्य तर्फ लाग्न न आकासे पुल चढेर बाटो काटे, न त कुनै ट्राफिक नियमको पालनानै गरे –हिडे सरासर त्यै नयाँ बनाइएका सडकको बिच्चोमा रहेर, सानो बगैचालाई कुल्चेर आÏनो गन्तव्य तिर ।

ति बटुवाहरुले कसरी हिडे भन्ने त फेसबुक र टिवटरमा अहिले सबले हेरेर सेयर गरिराछन फोटोहरु –कस्तो बानी रैछ हामी नेपालीको भनि स्ट्याटस पनि लेखेर राखिराछन ।

अचम्म लाग्छ हाम्रो बानी देखेर । सबले सरकारलाई दोष दिन्छन, हुन त सरकारको पनि कमजोरी छैन भन्न खोज्या होइन, छ उसको पनि गल्तीहरु तर मुख्य दोषी त हामी जनताको हो नि । न हामीले अनुशासन पालना गर्छौ । न हामीलाई आÏनो बाहेक अरुको बाल मतलब लाग्दैन ।

आÏनो बाऊको गा छैन, ह्या ल हिडौ न त फोडौं न त भनेर हामी फोड्छौं पनि र यो गर्दा समेत अनुशासन तोड्दा समेत कसैले केहि नभन्दा न हामीलाई कार्वाहीनै गर्दा झन हामीमा जोशमा होश र फेरि जोश थपिदै जान्छ यस्तो कार्य गर्न ।

मलाई लाज लागिराछ यो कुरा लेख्न कि हामी कस्तो संस्कारमा हुर्केका हौं भनेर, न हामीलाई कसैले सिकाए, न थोरै बहुत सिकाएका र सिकेकाहरुले पालनानै गरे । यदि गर्‍र्या भए हाम्रो देश साह्रै सुखी हुने थियो । ऊ सधै नयाँ दुलहीझै राम्री देखिनै रहन्थी ।

सरकारले र निजी स्तरबाट नियम र त्यस नियमको कार्यान्वयनको जरुरी भैसकेको छ । नियम पालना नगर्नेलाई कडा कार्वाही गर्नु र सबैको सामू ल्याई पाठ सिकाउनु बाहेक अरु विकल्प मैले देखेकै छैन यदि तुरुन्तै सबमा व्यवहार परिवर्तन गर्न चाहने हो भने ।


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Akshargunj _Book Launch

–Moin Uddin

Yesterday I'll die, tomorrow I was born. 

Kumar Nagarkoti a prominent Nepali Writer .The magic that he creates through his words describes him the most. The imagination he portrays is superb. His three other creation, Mokshanta: Kathmandu Fever (2070), Fossil (2070) Coma, A Political Sex has been appreciated by the readers.

And this time Nagarkoti has come up with his anthology "Akshargunj" in which he writes about dreams, diaries and death related matters.

The book was launched on 3rd December, 2014 amidst book and theater lovers in Shilpee Theatre with theatrical performances, where theatre artist Loonibha Tuladhar, Ghimire Yubraj performed reading the scriptures. Nagarkoti too performed at the end.
It was such a nice feeling and the aura was amazing.

Well known writers Narayan Wagle, Sudhir Sharma, CK Lal, Yug Pathak, Yangesh and many others were present in the launching ceremony.

The book contains 30 chapters and the new specialty that the readers can get is the chapters are represented in a peg wise, one peg, two pegs –it may give the feeling to drink while reading.

The book is published by Shangri-La Books.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SAARC speeches

Moin Uddin

I have been following the SAARC speeches, the Prime Ministers of eight different countries are trying in focusing in the same agenda .i.e. to alleviate poverty, end terrorism, build safer roads and infrastructure, sanitation and good health, advanced education.

Our Prime Minister Sushil Koirala is also focusing on same and the equivalent agenda that he has raised, end of terrorism, build roads, airports, railways and so on.

So yes, since many years in many other speeches we have been raising the same concern and the donor are also contributing from their side, the only thing is its implementation, we general people doesn't get any idea where these funds go once it reaches here in the Nepal. Where does it go? Who utilizes it and they never use it for the right purpose, so the investigation must be held in finding the truth.

The question of the good educating that every country is raising is the basic as well as advanced learning and teachings are needed. 

So I think for that the government can't alone achieve this target, yes, the role of government is needed, but with the help of private sector it can achieve its goals easily. 

The youths should be trained in every possible manner and those who are willing to come up to lead the teaching profession should be trained by the professionals so that s/he can use the advanced skills and can use those skills in helping other millions kids in improving and implementing all those techniques and values so that a better fruit can be produced and enjoyed by the nation in the long run so that not only our generation but the upcoming generations and their future generations could enjoy it to its maximum with every benefits and facilities.

Life without mistakes

Moin Uddin
Just think of our life without mistakes, imagine that we are free from impurities, how shall our life be? What shall we be doing? What perception would people have upon us? Shall we be rejected or accepted like we face every other day?

Life is good because we have problems, these problems can be in any form and due to those problems and weaknesses we try to overcome it, we try to learn from it, we try to improve it.

Without committing sin, how will we know the value of purity? How will we know the difference between evil and bad?

So what I think is mistakes, rejections, difficulties, shortcomings are essential in one's life to prosper and on top of that realization is the earned assets if we face and accept the life of any human being is great, it's not necessary that prince should be born in palace and beggars in street, many times the situation has drastically been opposite, when prince forgets his blessings and life throws him in the street and beggars learns through his hard work and gets to the throne.

My entire childhood went in perfecting myself. I wanted to be perfectionist in anything I did; I felt bad and have hurt myself be it emotionally and physically in trying to do the things in a perfect manner.

I always fought with my parents and brothers regarding rules and regulations, I tried hard to put on a system, for that I even didn't ate food due to anger as my trying were not followed.

It took me 20 years to realize that no-matter how hard you try; it'll always be difficult to influence people to do good works, to bring a change in a system –until and unless you are powerful persona.

Also I realized no-matter how clean your thoughts are there'll always be some kind of bacteria that'll never let us think completely clean and we will in some any kind be thinking of negative aspects be it how much we show it we are clean from our outer behavior. Even a religious people think impious.

I learned that shortcomings and even letting bad thoughts in our minds is okay if only we try to overcome those bad effects and transform it into good.

(I am a Student of Masters in Business Studies From Sankhar Dev Campus, Putalisadak and I love writing and interviewing people)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Basic need (Sex Vs Food)

–Moin Uddin

Is sex so important like a basic need .i.e. 'food' (Dal, bhat and tarkari ) lentils, rice and vegetable that we need to have it at-least three times in a day to survive ? Do we need to have sex to stay alive?

This is really ridiculous and what we are being taught at school and colleges is making us believe that it's a basic need.

Do a baby who is just delivered from the womb needs to have a so called basic need (sex) to stay alive and we the so called supreme human being (most human being) in earth believe it so .

There are people in this earth who still are virgin; they are living their life to the fullest without having sex.

What I consider is the basic need is food, water and air. It is essential not only to survive, but to experience the tiny moments of our life to live it happily as the nutrients that we intake shapes our physical and mental wellbeing .

I can sacrifice sex. I am already 24 and haven't had sex anytime before in my life and still I am alive, what does this mean? Am I the boy of another planet who is still virgin and is living till this age without having a single sex? Am I a unique human being?

For me sex is totally a private affair, which is done only by the partners who are legal to each other .i.e. married and it's personal thing and one can have a wonderful moment, I guess, I can only assume as I am inexperienced and doesn't want to experience before marriage.

However I can guarantee that it's not a basic need, it's just a refreshing need to satisfy the thirst of getting bodily, mentally and emotional tastes, it's just to continue the legacy. for other may be they just use it for a commercial propose in making porn movies and selling in the market to earn money and to point their agenda in conveying that sex is a basic need for a human being.

Without food and water, a person can only live for a few days, but in the process s/he loses all his/her energy and gets weak from every aspect. s/he can't think properly and can't do his/her daily activities –energetically.

What I think is food and environment that we are growing in with determines the thirst of sex, but it's just a thirst which can be controlled by sitting isolated and shifting minds in doing some purposeful task rather than thinking of it 24x7.

The most important basic need is air along with food and water. Without it, not only I, the entire living being in earth will die, but they can continue living without sex.

As I said it, it's just for recreational process to continue legacy to maintain your present state for a future time being.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Salute to the TU for injustices done to us.

Our country Nepal which enjoys the maximum public holidays and doesn't give a heck in the career of students wellbeing is the same country which is now closing the educational institution for 4 days (SAARC Summit), really sad that 'we' the Students of Master level (1st year) are coping with the pressure and the most mockery part is that the courses still hasn't been completed in the colleges as well as those who have enrolled in the tuition center with the hope of completing the courses and to face the examination are all in the great mental pressure.

Most students have already lost the hope of passing the examination.

Their minds have become dull with the sudden examination that we all are going to face with from 23rd Mangsir 2071. 

Only 24 days is left for the exam, and there are 9 bulky subjects – the chapters included there are maximum, in average 12 chapters are to be studied in a single book, and the most sad part is that only 50 marks questions are asked after studying these hectic subjects, TU should have made the examination of 100 marks– just imagine, how will the student deal with the injustices that the Tribhuwan University has imposed on us?

TU should have at-least given us 45 days time.

Now it's all in the hand of the god, he might have something thought for us. May be something special menu he may have as a surprise for our careers.

Salute to the TU for injustices done to us.

You are absolutely great.

Jai ho

Moin Uddin, Sankhar Dev Campus, Kathmandu