Friday, December 1, 2017

Be what you want to be

Moin Uddin

We want our life to be bright. We want everything to enlighten our life. Money. Yes, money. We are chasing money. Many of us think of earning a handsome income to secure the future or to say that we have a wonderful career. We have forgotten that there have been many moments in our life which we have successfully captured in our memories. Our simple gestures, silly fights, long debates, showing off, helping friends, and simple hugs and pats on the back. We have almost forgotten all these memorable moments that we have experienced just to embrace our careers. We have forgotten everything. Family, friends, siblings… their compassion, love, sweet words and harsh words… just to secure a good career.

My friends and I also want the same thing as others do — to have a bright future. Many of my friends have sidelined their education which is actually the backbone of their career — in the belief that earning money is building a good career. I know and have many such friends who are going through financial problems. So they had to take a job. It was not necessary for them to earn money, but it was necessary for their families; and it has now become their career.

In college, I have different groups of friends who are struggling and studying big fat books to pass the exam of the Public Service Commission. They desire to have a bright and secure future. A government job is a must, and it is the best. It may be true for them, but I think that experiencing life and exercising one’s talents is having the brightest and best career.  Can we say that thieves, burglars and bank robbers have been successful in securing a bright career? They have money, but what they don’t have is freedom. They are always chased and are also in the wanted list of the police. So they are not successful. To have a bright career, money is one part; but the most important part is freedom. Freedom of expression and presentation. Prestige, belongingness, social status and self-actualisation. If these parts are missing, it cannot be said to be a bright career.

Many big businessmen have huge amounts of money, but due to the above-mentioned factors, they feel unsuccessful deep inside. I have seen a big businessmen turning into a lyricist. He has a huge amount of money but lacked belongingness, social status and self-actualisation. In conclusion, to have a bright and secured career, satisfaction is needed in the real sense… satisfaction in what we do. Look for and seek satisfaction instead of money to secure a bright career and also to maintain a good relationship.

Published in the newspaper The Kathmandu Post (TKP) on  01-05-2013 08:40

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