Wednesday, August 12, 2015

There is a dream, which you see !

Moin Uddin


There is a dream, which you see, you love it, you are happy, and you try to achieve it on your own will and style. You are also good in it to get it and you know you will.

Sometimes your dreams grab so much of attention of your family, society, friends, and colleagues that it happens to be their dreams and they push you so hard to achieve it. And, slowly, unknowingly you lose the power of your passion to achieve your dream. You lose the techniques, you lose the learning, slowly you lose the basics and you become failure in each trying. 

You are now just following the pressures of others of achieving the dream that you have dreamed and people around you pushes more further telling you to grab and bring it to them by any means. And, here comes the pressure, pressure and more pressure. with each failings they lose the faith on you, they seem that you are not as good as they thought to be, they assume you to be an ordinary people and the general world doesn't want to be close with an ordinary people, they need some extraordinary, successful, unique people to be a friend with. They leave you, few will have a compassion for you, but they don't have the power to help you, you leave some of them too…

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